The School of Architecture and Planning established in 1957 is one of the
premier institutions of the nation, conducts five year UG course in Architecture and three PG courses
in Architecture and Planning. ie M.Arch Landscape, M.Arch Digital and M.Plan courses. Library The
school has a separate state of art library with collection of publications of about 15,000 including
books, Journals, thesis reports and back volumes etc. The Library as now become a resource center
for Architectural colleges of Tamilnadu as well as for other States.
The School of Architecture and Planning Library is located at School of
Architecture and Planning Campus covering an area of about 1200 sq.mts. Around 350 UG, PG and research
students are accessing the Library. Fifteen Ph.D and MS (Research) students are also the members
of the Library.
Knowledge-based services like Reference, E-services, Bibliography,
Reprography, services are provided by the library for its users, Students are benefiting the other
services like MALIBNET, DELNET, CD-ROM Databases from University Library, Video Cameras have been
fixed at tangible points for surveillance. The Library also preserving the Question Papers for
last five years.