index.phpUniversity Library

  • New User should Register at the Counter before Borrowing.
  • Books will be issued only on production of valid Smart Card.
  • Books borrowed must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Only one renewal can be done at any one time.
  • Books will have to be physically presented for renewals.
  • Books will be renewed if there are no reservations.
  • Users are requested to verify the physical condition of the book/s before borrowing.
  • For late return of books, overdue charges will be collected as per rules in force.
  • Users are requested to collect receipt for fine amount paid by them.
Membership Details
S.No Member Details No.of tickets Loan Period
1 Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors 8 90 days
2 JRF/Research Scholars 6 30 days
3 UG Students 4 14 Days
4 PG Students 6 14 Days
5 Non-Teaching Staff 2 30 Days
6 Industrial Membership 10 30 Days
General Instructions
  • Users are requested to deposit their bags/belongings (other than valuables) at the Personal Belongings Counter.
  • Users are required to observe silence inside the library.
  • Users are required to switch off the lights and fans when not required or while leaving the reading halls.
  • Misuse of library facilities is an offence and calls for punishment as decided by the competent authority.
  • Users are required to keep the library and the campus neat and tidy.