Acquisition Section is entrusted with the acquisition of all syllabus textbooks, reference books as prescribed in the course syllabus of Anna University for all UG and PG programmes. The Faculty can make new recommendations to the library through the Online Book Recommendation Form available in the library portal. They can download the recommendation forms and after duly signing them, and forward it to the Professor In-Charge of their Campus Library through their Head of the Department / Director. The library takes diligent measures in the timely supply of the ordered books.
044-22358073Technical Section classifies books and assigns appropriate call numbers to them, as per the classification scheme. Online Data Entry is also made in the section for easy retrieval of books through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). Other routine activities like pasting due date slips, stamping, spine labeling, etc. needed for the purchased book so as to reach the Stack for user’s lending is also undertaken in this section.
044-22358072Periodical Section is assigned with the purchase of both Print and Online Journals, Newspapers and Magazines for the University Library. The library subscribes to Print Indian Journals and E-Journals by direct subscription and also through E-ShodhSindhu (Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources), an initiative by MHRD through UGC-INFLIBNET.
044-22358079In the Circulation Section, registration of new users is done using their Smart Card. The Self Checkout Kiosk enables users to issue their books by themselves. The return / renewal of books are done through RFID enabled counter. The Institutional Membership Card could be borrowed in addition to the books against their card eligibility. The issue / return / renewal and overdue charges details are sent through SMS to the users.
The book bank facility is provided to SC / ST students of Anna University. The syllabus textbooks and reference books as prescribed in the course syllabus of Anna University for all UG and PG programmes are procured in this section.
The books purchased for the University Library is made available for lending to the user fraternity of Anna University. The books are stacked in Ground Floor and First Floor of the Library. The users can search for the books through OPAC systems present in these floors, with the support of the library staff. Air Conditioned reading halls are available near the stack area in both the floors.
044-22358070Theses Section maintains the Anna University's Theses submitted in print to the University. All the theses of Anna University are digitized and uploaded in UGC-INFLIBNET's Shodhganga website https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in The Shodhganga is the reservoir of Indian Theses, by UGC INFLIBNET. An Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Lab has been established in the University Library with the grant received from UGC for the purpose of digitization of theses of Anna University. Currently our Anna University ranked 1st among the 832 universities in India, for uploading 16,909 theses of Anna University.
044-22358077Library application runs in the Windows Server and it is placed in the Computer Section of the University Library. The server application used by JAVA Technologies runs in Apache Tomcat and MySQL is the backend. University Library has the Web Server and Database, the maintenance of Server is carried out by University Library such as the regular updation of Library Website, database backup, etc.
Reference Books (both Indian and Foreign), High Priced Books, Donated Books from individuals and organizations are kept in the Reference Section.
The Career Guidance Section of the University Library in this regard has a fully-fledged collection of CGS Materials for the preparation of competitive examination like GATE, GRE, GMAT, CAT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, UPSC, RRB, SSC, BANK, TNPSC, etc.,
The Digital Reading Hall provides tablets to users with free Wi-Fi access for browsing of E-Resources in the Ground Floor.